No the two do not have anything to do with each other but just describing my day. It started to get on the road early to get to a site an hour away where we are creating a Revit model of an existing building. The building has 5 structures inter-joined over the years with the oldest dating to 1761 and the youngest being a large addition in 1984. Multiple construction methods, floor levels, etc. make it a challenge but utilizing our PPLT (Point to Point Laser Technology) made the base model creation pretty quick, considering. I then realized I signed myself up for two engagements, one was the Boston Revit User Group meetup hosted by Shepley Bullfinch and the other other was a Tech Tuesday hosted at Microsoft’s NERD (New England Research Development) Center, clever, no?
I was impressed with the meetup group because you had a large amount of people from different companies and disciplines discussing Revit and best practices. While I was only able to stay for one of three presentations everyone was open in discussing the project and how they went about it, how to set up projects for programming and even rendering tips were coming out of the audience. I think any environment where people are freely sharing ideas a great place, and it seems Revit and BIM requires this kind of collaboration and it was refreshing. I then hustled across the river to Cambridge and the NERD center to see what was up, collect my free drink ticket and take part of the free pizza. Harmonix was there and had set up Rock Band- Beatles on the main part of the floor which was being displayed on a huge screen, I would recommend playing rock band in this format if you can swing it. Lively crew and I saw some gray beards walking around which I believe were some of the original engineers at BBN.
Also found out the first project from GSA award should be out by Friday. I feel fortunate to be part of the team that won one of the awards but its going to be interesting to see how the multi-disciplinary jigsaw puzzle is going to be put together. And got a call from Australia, at my house, from a person about PointKnown, the pencil scratched note from my wife mentioned ‘distribution.’ Saddle up.