Archive for category BOMA
300,000 SF in less than 12 hours.
Posted by Jim Foster in BIM, BOMA, Existing Conditions, SLAM on October 3, 2016
Building on my earlier SLAM post, we’ve been utilizing the combination of SLAM and PKNail Pro to great success. Recently we completed over 300,000 SF of office tower in Wilmington, DE with the total time on site coming in just under 12 hours, yes that’s right 12 hours. The scope of the project included BOMA reporting and CAD, and while the parking garages were not initially part of the scope, we walked the garage with SLAM so had a 3D database in case it was needed in the future, and in this case, it was needed in less than a week and we did not need to revisit the site, saving the client both time and money.
Process: Walk each floor with SLAM, create 3D database by floor. Build out interiors, sample floor, with PKNail Pro, capturing typical window assemblies, doors, plumbing objects, wall thicknesses. Back office included the combination of surveying data, creating spaces within Revit and exporting both spreadsheet data, CAD and plotted floor plans.