Posts Tagged iphone

AEC Apps for the IPad and IPhone : Dead simple UI will continue to accelerate its adoption

This “best of ” list was just brought to my attention and it was put together by Houston Neal at Software advice.  It’s a round up of AEC apps available for the i gadgets.  The post brings together the best, but they also posted a google doc to exhaustively list those out there.  While it was tough for me ever to imagine anyone wanting to do much content creation on the iphone, let alone deciphering floorplans, etc. the ipad is a whole different story, built in 3G out of the box can enable a whole world of construction coordination coupled with Joe Six Pack easy to use interface, well you got something.  And while not wanting to sound like a shill for Apple I’ve seen a 3 year old zip through their menus, find what he wants and start his favorite cartoon so if you think this thing isn’t a game changer, change your game.


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