BIM continues to cross pollinate industries. According to American Laundry News (I’ll read it so you don’t have to) UniMac a manufacturer of on premise laundry equipment is now providing BIM objects of their most popular models. This, of course, allows the AEC community to incorporate them with their designs from a spatial sense and also coordinate utilities for hook up. Ideally warranty and manual information is tagged to the object as well so one object becomes a one stop shop of information, maintenance logs, etc. The bigger idea is what’s your BIM strategy? As the internet opened up a world of information about, well, everything BIM is opening up a new world of information.
I equate this next step in the internet and technology from going to the big bang, ‘wooaha new universe’ to galaxies to planets and these are starting get populated with more information and relevant data. The AEC industry is starting to break down from macro trends, etc. the complete life cycle of a building and how each decision effects it. There is a world of information and opportunity within this world. For example, UniMac just made it easier for a designer to spec their machines. What company wants the contract to keep the data and maintenance logs up to date for those machines within this BIM world, who wants the actual maintenance contract and which companies are plugged into take advantage of that entire life cycle, not just the building but almost every object in it.