Posts Tagged Renovation

The renovation market is now breaking loose…BIM

In a recent article in the ENR  (Engineering News Record) ENR’s Top 600 Contractors Awaiting a Recovery, the news is mostly bad.  Revenue is down 8.7% for the Top 600 from 2009 and they do not expect a  recovery anytime soon, for new buildings.  One of the bright spots, “the renovation market.”

 “Our maintenance and retrofit market is up 40% in the past year,” says Limbach’s CEO Bacon. After three years of bottled-up demand, he says, the renovation market is now breaking loose.

Being Tech Savvy is a plus as well in cutting the waste out of construction and trying to maintain already thin margins. “If you are not fully proficient in [BIM], you are way behind,” says Dean. He says the first phase was to show that BIM actually worked in the construction process. The industry is now in a second phase, in which practical improvements are being implemented on a regular basis. “It’s not just a clash-detection tool anymore,” says Bill Dean, CEO of M.C. Dean.



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Capturing Existing Building Conditions Accurately and Efficiently

“Capturing existing building conditions accurately and efficiently is one of the keys to success for a renovation project.”   That’s straight from the Autodesk video.

However, when they go over the methods for documenting existing conditions…

Existing Conditions Methods

Autodesk Existing Condition Methods

I’d like to add PKNail, because I would argue that it’s tough to be accurate without measuring something.  Sure that’s a bit self serving, but we’ve all been there, dragging lines, using different colored pens, sketching with gloves on, or trying to use a laptop in the field, and we are fired up for the release, because it works, it’s making our job easier, we’re quicker, more accurate, and building Revit models in the field.   measure –>press –>model and were eager to get it into everyone’s hands.


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